Hi I am new user of Aivia community free software. I am trying to load my tiff sequence of fluorescent image and try to volume render in 3D. I load the tiff sequence by File -->import --> image sequence. I can see my loaded image file in the workspace at the botoom. But it's in one slice only. There is no scroll bar to scroll through the different slices and I also could not see the volume. I can see only empty bounding box. Please see screen shot. I am not sure any step I miss to load tiff sequence and render 3D.
Thank you

Hello Win,
Thanks for checking out the issues. Aivia does need the GPU with dedicated (on board memory), specifically an NVIDIA card. Out testing with Quadro cards is limited as they are much more expensive and in terms of performance for rendering they are not noticeably better than the non-Quadro card. Personally, I am using a RTX 2080 and it is great.
So, the first step is to assign then NVIDIA card to Aivia (I know you mentioned it crashes). Then ensure the drivers for that card are up to date. You can use the NVIDIA drivers web page to check that. Looks like the latest for the P2000 (on windows 10 64bit) is from September 30th (2020):
Then, restart the machine. After the restart make sure that the NVIDIA card is still assigned to the NVIDIA card.
Now, try Aivia again. Let us know what you see.