Presentation time: Sunday December 9th from 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Presenter: Luciano Lucas, PhD, Executive Vice President
Over the past two years, Aivia has quickly developed an armada of high-performance intelligent tools for visualization, automated analysis and interactive data exploration of large, 2-to-4D microscopy image data. Aivia benefits from DRVISION’s patented innovations – the fruit of two decades of continuous R&D and public deployment of image-based machine learning (ML) applications. Our Tech Talk will focus on how artificial intelligence (AI) is set to redefine the limits of microscopy and image analysis. The presentation will cover the core principles of deep learning (DL) and how Aivia leverages ML technology to dramatically reduce the time needed to complete image analysis tasks. The Tech Talk will feature Aivia 8 and Aivia Cloud, the pioneering, universally accessible AI platform for scientific imaging applications. This unique cloud-desktop hybrid platform for training and deployment of DL models is the result of long-term joint R&D project involving 25 industry and academic experts in AI, life sciences, microscopy and image analysis. The Tech Talk will feature the following live demos: A) Visualization and science communication related tools, including rendering of large multi-dimensional datasets on screen or in VR and the creation of fly-through video animations. B) Machine learning powered automated image analysis—ideal to get results quickly or to create ground truth annotations for training DL models. C) Aivia Cloud: 1) Train and deploy your own DL model. 2) Apply pre-trained DL models (i.e. image restoration for improving signal to noise ratio, image prediction/painting for predicting organelle localization and morphology from brightfield images alone, and image segmentation of challenging datasets).